
Showing posts from August, 2020

127 Listen to the Voice Within

We all have a little voice of God within. It is called our conscience. The question is, do we listen to God or to everyone else? In this week’s episode of By Your Life, we talk about the consequences of choosing who we listen to.

126 Character, Reputation, and God-given Authority

 If you are like me, you’re sick of all the media coverage of this election and can’t wait for it to be over. You may wonder, “Is this the best the United States can do when nominating presidential candidates? Is God really involved in this process?” To answer these questions, in this episode of By Your Life, we talk about character, reputation, and God-given authority.

125 Preparing for the Test

So much of what we observe these days is just not right. When we are constantly bombarded by negative thoughts, we can’t help but respond with negative behavior. In this week’s episode of By Your Life, we talk about stopping the flow of negative so when we are tested, we are prepared to respond with what is just.

124 What You Focus on Matters

Peter Drucker is credited with developing the concept of management by objectives, a management philosophy that focuses on clarity and agreement of goals. When employees visualize what needs to be done and how, they can focus on doing the right things. In this episode of By Your Life, we discuss how what you focus on matters.

123 Scarcity or Abundance

Blake Mycoskie started TOMS shoes in his apartment and grew it into a $450 million business in seven years. Most will credit his novel business model, but I look at it as God’s abundant blessings. In this edition of By Your Life, we talk about how when we give whatever we have, God can multiply it.